15 Features on How to Write a Standard Curriculum Vitae (CV) in Nigeria

15 Features on How to Write a Standard Curriculum Vitae (CV) in Nigeria
These 15 Features on How to Write a Standard Curriculum Vitae (CV) in Nigeria has been well researched to help you write a good CV.
Curriculum Vitae (CV) is certainly one of the most sought-after documents for all graduates as soon as they drop their pen for the most recent academic feat. In a typical organization, it is surely what represents a job seeker initially in the presence of hiring managers, human resource personnel, managing directors before he or she is invited for further interaction known as a formal interview. A standard CV in Nigeria must show and advertise your past and existing professional skills and experience in a way that demonstrates that you are the best candidate for the position needed. In this article today, I will be showing you 15 features on how to write a Standard Curriculum Vitae (CV) in Nigeria.
With the advent of ICT, this detailed, clear, concise and up-to-date document (without abbreviations and slangs) can now go as far as the length and breadth of Nigeria and beyond to inform you, your abilities and services to and interested persons in need of. Your CV is your first entrance into any firm hence it must be standard, that is, contain the appropriate features and it must catch sufficient attention.
The fact that it also has the ability to be stored as electronic information for donkey years makes it widely used in the world at large. It should be well written with a moderate font type (Times New Roman, Arial, Century, Calibri, Calibri Light are good for your selection), size (this could be between 10 and 12) and readable line spacing (1.0 to 1.5). Your format should be consistent all through the document giving it a polished and professional look. However, your name and the section headings can be a little bigger and bold than the rest. You should also decide the way you wish to present each section of your CV, whether to break it with lines, tables, or just by listing; either way, just ensure it is logical.
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These aforementioned salient features make it very relevant to individuals and organizations, hence, the structure and process through which an impressive and standard Curriculum Vitae (CV) in Nigeria should be written must not be out of context and significance in order to increase your chances of getting an interview.
The following features are recommended when writing a standard Curriculum Vitae (CV) in Nigeria:
- Your basic / contact information: These include your name first (boldly written), then your residential address, phone number(s), e-mail address and at least a job-related social media link (such as LinkedIn).
- Your personal / career objective: This should state your vision for any organization you intend to join. You must show you are ready to add value to the organization through competence and deftness. This should be coined with positive words in a convincing and comprehensive way. You can also use key words from the advertised job position to define your objective. This will show the employer that you are really the ideal person for the position. This will also leave the screening machines with no choice than to get your CV picked. There might also be specific directions listed on the application page to help you know what the company is looking out for.
- Personal bio data – Your bio data include your state of origin, nationality, age, gender, language, personal interests / hobbies, and marital status. The essence of this section is to further explain who you really are to the reader and paint a positive image of you through your interests. Using bullet points here can help to minimize word usage.
- Skills – This is the time to write all the relevant skills you have acquired over time. Ensure these skills are applicable to your career and the post you intend to apply for. Technical and soft skills that a graduate or job seeker is expected to have should also be included such as communication skills, quick learning, computer literacy (especially Microsoft office, no organization can do without it), interpersonal skills, creativity and so on.
- Trainings – Have you undergone any training over time? This section can be a combination of trainings within or outside the sphere of your career. This shows you are open to learning different aspects of knowledge. It gives the reader an impression that you can be gainfully trained by them. The training should be arranged from the most recent to the least recent.
- Awards / Honours – Are you an award winner? Award winners are likely to make a difference wherever they are which makes them easily singled out for recruitment. You should write any award you have received from time immemorial to date, whether academics, social group, religious group etc. The awards should also be arranged from the most recent to the least recent.
- Affiliations / Memberships /Fellowships – This includes your association with professional bodies which sometimes have quarterly or annual meetings, seminars and conferences with the aim of keeping the members abreast of information related to the field for the good of the society at large. You should include this in your CV if you are a member of one. If you are a board member of any of the associations, you could write your position.
- Education / Core courses – Your academic details should be listed with the names of institutions attended, degree received and dates. This should be written in reverseorder from the most recent degree achieved; for example; PhD, Masters, Undergraduate, Secondary school and Primary school. Majors, minors and Cumulative Grade Points could be indicated especially when you have a strong one. You might also highlight major academic courses related to the role you want to apply for such as: Logistics and shipping Management, Marketing, Telecommunications, Information Management System, Anatomy etc. (This is however optional).
15 Features on How to Write a Standard Curriculum Vitae (CV) in Nigeria
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- Extra-curricular / Leadership positions – Your activities, events and leadership positions in the past or present should also be stated such as positions held in school, NYSC, religious group, voluntary group. This will give the reader a good impression about you knowing that when you are given a hammer, you really will know which end to hit the nail with, in other words, more responsibilities can be given to you without the fear of not meeting up with deadlines and standards which can be easily rubbed on other staff below your chain of authority.
- Professional qualifications – Every job seeker should strive to earn professional certifications related to his field to give him an edge amidst the crowd of other qualified candidates. For example, an engineer should have NSE and COREN qualifications, Occupational Health and Safety personnel should have ISPON, OHSAS and NEBOSH qualifications, a transport specialist should have CILT qualifications, an accountant should possess ICAN qualifications, etc. It is very good for every graduate looking forward to being a professional, to have several qualifications and accreditations which can be maximized and clearly stated in your Standard Curriculum Vitae (CV).
- Employment history – Your record of employment entails the name of the organisation you have worked and its location. Furthermore, you should specify the date you joined and the date you left the organization. If it is your current job, it should be indicated; such as (2014 – present, 2014 to date). Your position and responsibilities/role should be further itemized in coherent details which should neither be trivial, pointless, juvenile nor too wordy. If you have a long list of work experience, you need to only put the experiences relevant to the job you are applying for.
15 Features on How to Write a Standard Curriculum Vitae (CV) in Nigeria
- Personal projects / achievements – Your personal projects comprise the tangible things you might have done to add value to the society. This could be in the form of a voluntary work carried out by using your unique talent or skill to make a difference in the lives of people who really needs your service. For example, during your NYSC or any other gathering, you might have impacted lives especially young people, students, nursing mothers, victims, disabled or the less-privileged through seminars, motivational talks or transfer of vocational skills. These projects are usually recognised by its little-or-no payment structure which are driven by a passion for a better tomorrow. Industries usually pick interest in people who make impacts in their world. Your achievements and milestones attained (perhaps while carrying out an important project) in your current or previous place of work can also be included in this section. Ensure you include your Standard Curriculum Vitae (CV), it is very important.
- Dissertations / Theses / Publications / Unpublished Texts – Every graduate must have spent valuable time carrying one research or the other to be qualified for the degree attained. Masters and PhD holders have also carried out intensive paper works during their studies which are either published or unpublished. Whatever the case is for you, it is necessary to put it on your CV. Some companies may fall in love with your research topic and get interested in you.
- Other information – This include any other thing you wish to bring to the notice of the hiring manager or any other person concerned. You should create this, only if you were not able to place the information under any of the sections created above especially if it has given your CV a noticeable gap in a particular period. This shows you are open to questions and you have a high integrity for you to have accounted for the missing years while ensuring such time was not spent in frivolities.
- References – Your references include individuals (referees) that can vouch for your skills and experience. This should be provided on request; however, some organizations wouldn’t mind seeing it at first sight. You have simply reduced their task by minus one. The company you are applying to may contact these referees to find out more about you and your previous work. You should also talk to the referees you wish to list before adding their information to your CV. It is best to confirm that they still have the same number and e-mail address. Ensure they remember who you are and are okay with your decision to list them. Write down their full names and contact information in your CV.
By maximizing the points highlighted, your well-structured Standard Curriculum Vitae (CV) should certainly get you your desired job in no time. Hey, don’t forget to keep it impressively succinct and make sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors. A good print material too sells well!
At FreshGraduateCV,
We help Fresh Graduate to write CV, review CV and improve their CV.
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Great article! Very insightfuland educative! Thanks for this!
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