Reasons Graduates Should Try Business

Reasons Graduates Should Try Business
Reasons Graduates Should Try Business
One important thing all graduates should have in mind is that when choosing a career path, they are to cautiously consider every aspect of what a specific career can offer throughout a lifetime.
You are to bear in mind that the jobs or career path that may be appealing to you right now may not appeal so much in about ten years from now. For those who have not considered business before, we will be providing you with some concrete reasons why graduates should try starting a business of their own.
Reasons to go into Business
Some of the reasons why graduates should go into business are:
- It will increase your income
This is a no-brainer as it is one of the primary reasons why most people out there get into one business or the other. Once you start up a viable business, you will most likely move from a six-digit salary to an eight-digit income in no time.
One fact that you should know about is that businessmen and women are arguable the richest people worldwide. They rule the universe with the amount of money they make. From Dubai to Mexico, USA to Spain, China to Nigeria, from Aliko Dangote to Femi Otedola, it is clear that there is no contest with the men and women in business.
As it stands, these days, the available jobs can barely take care of the needs of one person, talk less of the full family. An intriguing way to get a comfortable life and earn a high income is to venture into your own business.
There are barely any wealthy people that rely on just one job. You can consider starting a business for those who may be unsatisfied with the income they make monthly. And as a graduate, you can try out business; just maybe it will give you a financial break you desire.
- It acts as an additional job
Although we understand how difficult it is to simultaneously handle two jobs, having an office job and running a business is not so hard. It will interest you to note that most people do the two, and they do it successfully.
There are people out there who have set up their businesses and have a person or two working for them while attending to their formal jobs. This opportunity can only occur when a person sets up a business where they get to make the sole decisions.
When you graduate, you will realize that your job will not be capable of funding most of your life’s projects. Staring a business may as well be the best option to work with.
- You will be your boss
There are lots of people in Nigeria that do not love to be controlled or bossed around. This kind of person enjoys doing things out of their discretion. People who are controlled and supervised around are those who are reliant on their jobs for their utmost survival.
When you try out business, you will have no to answer to but yourself. You can freely make decisions and choose to do whatever you want and at any point in time without anyone questioning your moves.
You will be the boss, and everyone will respect you as a boss.
- You will have freedom
Every human loves some degree of liberty. The fact that you do not have chains all over your hands does not mean you are free. So far, you strive to be at work daily in a bid to secure your income; you are not a free man.
Even if you are the one heading the company you work for, you are still not free so long as you only earn your salary when you are present at work. The definition of a free person is the one who can decide where to be and what to do at a given point in time without giving anyone feedback on his or her operations.
As a graduate, you will surely love this sort of liberty, and only trying out a business will give you this total control over your life. You can pick up your things and travel without seeking permission from a top manager. With a business of your own, you get to enjoy the good things money can provide while other people work for you.

Reasons Graduates Should Try Business
- It gives job security
Decades ago, most of our parents thought securing a promising future boiled down to studying, getting a good degree, picking up a lucrative job, and earning an enormous salary. However, due to job insecurity getting a good job has become one of the most insecure ways to make a decent income. It is even worst in the private sector.
When you try out your business, you will have a very high job security level when the business becomes established. You will not wake up to receive a sack letter.
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- You will be doing what you love
There are few jobs in Nigeria that provide people with the opportunity to do what they love. One of the reasons why people die from high blood pressure, stress, and fatigue revolves around the fact that people are doing stressful jobs and jobs they hate.
When you start your own business, you will have the rare chance to do what you love and build your striking impression in the world. As you do what you love, you earn money for doing nothing as it is something you enjoy doing without stress.
- You will be meeting a need in the market
Every business out there identifies a need in the market and seeks ways to meet up this need. Understand that needs abound everywhere, and there will never be a time that all the needs in the world will be met.
Bear in mind that starting your business begins from uncovering a gap or a need and seeking ways to fill it up. It is amazing when people come up with something that addresses people’s issues and then succeeds in it.
You can only meet a clear need in the market if you step away from your office job’s comfort zone and go through the odds to fill an already existing gap. This can only be done when you try out a business as a graduate.
- You will develop your creative skills
As a graduate, trying out a business is a huge way of putting your creativity to work and, therefore, creating it. When you know how much your life depends on your skills, talent, and knowledge, you will barely think of going to sleep.
You will keep thinking and trying to come up with anything that will push your business forward, and this will end up making you creative. Understand that most jobs out there are centered around some sort of routine and will only kill most people’s creativity.
- It will give you influence
Are you aware that the people in business in almost all nations have the biggest influence on those in that particular nation’s leadership positions? While they appear to be uninterested in the political world, it will surprise you to know that most of them have a massive influence on the nation’s political atmosphere.
They are the ones who sponsor candidates during elections, sponsor the bills in Parliament, and even influence some of the presidential appointments. They are the people who have an indirect influence over your life and all that you may become.
Once you try out the business world and grow your business to a specific height that you are no longer making money for yourself, you will begin having influence. This type of money can only be guaranteed if you build your own business.
On a general note, trying out a business has its highs and lows, and that is why you will need to be careful before you follow this career path. It can be quite unpredictable, and some days, you may question yourself why you started your business.
However, there will be days when you will think to yourself that it is the best decision you made in life. You can skim through this article and re-evaluate if a business is the career path you want for yourself.
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