Managing Career & Ministry in Nigeria

Managing Career & Ministry in Nigeria
Managing Career & Ministry
Points to discuss on:
- What is a career?
- It is your profession. What you are training to do. What you are called to do. What you have passion for. What you are employed to do.
- Career management is the combination of structured planning and the active management choice of one’s own professional career.
- The outcome of successful career management should include personal fulfilment, work/life balance, goal achievement and financial security.
- Different types of career
- We can categorise them in this 7 sphere of influence.
- Education
- Government
- Religion
- Economy
- Family
- Media and entertainment
- Art and culture
- Career success
– Success in your career needs to be planned and activated, not left to chance.
- Take stock of where you are, who you are, what you love to do, what you are good at doing, and how long you want to keep doing it.
- Set career goals. Where are you now? Where do you want to be in your career in the next 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 years
- As a Christian, we must remain as Christ’s ambassadors in our career.
- We must have vision to be among the top 5 people in our field.
Proverb 22:29- Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.
Matthew 25:29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

Managing Career & Ministry in Nigeria
- What is ministry
- Ministry means service
- Eph 4:11 – And he gave some apostles, and some prophets and some evangelist and some pastors and teachers.
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edification of body of Christ.
- Everyone is a minister.
- Different types of ministry
- Managing ministry and career
- As a career person in the market place, we need to be productive. In all the sphere of influence, productivity is key.
- Mark 6:3- is this not the carpenter, the son of mary. Jesus neighbour describe him by his occupation
- Four levels of Christian using their career in the market place
- To be a Christian in the market place
- To be a Christian who applies biblical principles in the market place
- To be a Christian who do business or work in the fullness and in the power of the Holy spirit
- To be a Christian committed to the total transformation of the market place .
Which level do you belong to?
We are missionaries in our place of work. We carry the kingdom of god there. When we pray, God gives wisdom and revelation knowledge to manage the affairs in our work place.
Find your ministry place in your career
- It does not matter your career, what is important is that you embrace your calling to transform that place by using the power that God has made available to you.
- Your career is God’s gift to you. Embrace the system, improve the system, and bring the kingdom of God to your Job.
- You are the light and salt of the world.
- Sample of people that manage career and ministry in the market place
- Exodus 31.- we read that bazalel was filled with the spirit of god in wisdom in understand, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship.
- Noah receive a special anointing to build the ark, an unprecedented assignment
- Joseph received one to run the Egyptian empire
- Daniel received one to be the prime minister of Babylon
- Nehemiah received one to repair the wall of Jerusalem
- Mary receive one to be the mother of our lord Jesus Christ
- Easter received one to marry a powerful king
Each of this people operated at a level of supernatural efficiency made possible only by the spirit of God that was in them. This same power is available to us today.
Holy Spirit is the ultimate competitive advantage in your career. He is inside you to give you tips. We are pastors, apostles, evangelists, Prophets and teachers in the market place.
You are a workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works in your career and is your place of ministry.
Your job in your career is spiritual. Your labour is a worship when you do it unto the glory of God. Your job is the vehicle to take care of God’s creation and bring kingdom of God to those with whom you work.
- Managing career and fivefold ministry
Example: Pastor Segun Obadje. Set man God’s love Terbanacle
Prof. Greg Erhabor . Founder Sanctuary of Hope.
Pastor E.A Adeboye of Redeem and Rev George Adegboye of Rhema chapel were lecturers before entering into full time ministry.
- Full time and part time ministry
- Taking your faith to the market place
- Requirement to taking your faith to market place
- Strive for professionalism, excellence and integrity in your work place.
- Set goals to get to the top of your career. All the People in a faculty will want to listen to the gospel in the mouth of a professor that in the mouth of a graduate assistance.
- Genuinely care for people, with that they can open up to you.
- A manager in a company or a CEO of an organization can set up the spiritual atmosphere of the workplace by allowing workplace prayer time, sharing of daily devotionals, Playing of Christian music at receptions, Giving encouraging words to subordinates, etc
- In the neighbourhood, you touch lives by giving, training and empowerment, community development.
- Form a prayer partnership with a Christian co-worker; meet together regularly to discuss your efforts to shine Christ’s light at work, and pray for specific co-worker relationships.
- Church without walls
- The most important in Career and ministry
- Setting your values and priority right
- Our God of productivity and reward
Your job is your pulpit and the market place is your parish. You have been called by God to bring His Kingdom to your career.
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