What Can Fresh Graduates Start as a Business

What Can Fresh Graduates Start as a Business
What Can Fresh Graduates Start as a Business
Now that you are done with your schooling and trying to focus on your dream job, this article is not for you. However, if you are smart enough to know how stiff the Nigerian job market is today and you are not ready to join the queue, this is the article ideally crafted for you.
The reason for this is that we will be focusing on what fresh graduates can begin as a business. We will be giving you detailed information on these businesses so that you do not end up getting lost when trying to start.
Well, we will be providing you with businesses that will take you off the unemployment rate statistics. However, before we delve into the topic of the day, you will need to be prepared for any of the money-making strategies we will be providing.
Businesses Fresh Graduates Can Start
Some of the businesses you can begin as a fresh graduate include:
- Marketing and digital content creation
It must be noted that the digital content creation industry is regarded as an industry that focuses on promoting businesses digitally via content such as videos, graphics, articles and so many others. This industry is ever-growing.
However, if you have little to no idea about content making such as article writing, there is a way to go about it. You can learn through registering in some courses like Udemy. While you may have to pay, understand that investing in yourself is vital for wealth-making.
For those unaware, Udemy is a universal marketplace for both learning and teaching online. It has over twenty-four million students constantly mastering new skills and attaining their goals. Furthermore, you can learn whiteboard animation as it has great potential in the coming future.
When you learn whiteboard animation, you can sell your skill for very huge profits. Understand that, when you learn these skills, you can earn some money by joining platforms such as Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork, and even Truelancer.
Note that, you can carry out this business anywhere, so long as you have a smartphone, computer, and a stable internet connection.
- Online Importation business
Even if the tactics of import and export business seem scary to you, or you have only heard about people losing money, you must understand that there is always a way to make money from this business.
You simply need a little capital of about ten thousand nairas and watch how the zeros start adding up. Nevertheless, having the zeros added will greatly rely on your marketing skills. This business works by placing orders on products from either Alibaba or even 1688.com.
We are mentioning these marketplaces as they have every product you need in the world, be it, bags, shirts, wristwatches, kitchen wares, and much more. Also, these products are cheap on these sites. More so, the products you pick should be the type that sells easily and fast.
Once your orders are delivered to you, you will need to sell them virtually or physically at the ideal market price. Think of this: you can purchase about thirty wristwatches from these sites for thirty dollars. And then, you sell them for one thousand nairas each.
This means you will be making thirty thousand nairas with only thirty dollars.
- Blogging
Are you among those that actively make long posts on your social media handles, be it Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter? If your answer tilts towards the positive, then today is your lucky day.
We are sure you have not thought about running a blog and making money right away from it. However, there are things for you to consider in a bid to be a successful blogger. They are:
- Pick a niche of your interest
If you are a lover of sports, you can center your blog on sports. Understand that, loving what you do will make you successful. If you love telling stories, be it your true life stories or fiction, you can focus your blog on that.
- Pick a niche that is not dominated
If you are not up for competitions, then this will not be important to you. However, if you want to pursue a career in blogging that will pay you easy and fast, then you should select a niche that is not already too dominated.
- Learn all about blogging
One thing that is vital for success is learning. You will make it in time if you know all that you are doing. For you to blog successfully, there are some blogging courses that you will need to actively check out.
- Fashion designing
As of the year 2017, the African fashion industry rose to a whopping thirteen billion dollars. For the Nigerian fashion design industry, it claimed ten billion dollars to itself. This clearly shows that the world of fashion designers is swiftly growing bigger as its links with other businesses keep increasing.
It does not matter if you want to be a designer, salesperson, tailor, or marketer, you can be a part of this fashion industry. You can go about it by selecting an area of interest from the various career alternatives in fashion designing.
More so, you can register on any of the free online courses on fashion designs and get some certifications. Also, you can set up your own fashion design business.
Read Also: Ten strengths of a fresh graduate and how to maximise it

What Can Fresh Graduates Start as a Business
- Electronic repairs
One thing you must have in mind is that smartphones and the Internet of Things have made electronics a vital part of human lives. This means that there are so many prospective business opportunities for fresh graduates that are technically minded.
Note that, this is a well-paying business even if you take a special course to be certified as an electronics repair technician. This business will be much more profitable if you can manage to acquire some skills that are necessary to repair vital daily devices such as refrigerators.
For those who may have experience with IT, you can try to branch out to repairing smart devices. You must keep in mind that when repairing electronic devices, you will most likely be voiding the warranty of manufacturers if you are not authorized to repair it.
The truth is that some of these electronic companies will sue unauthorized electronics repair businesses over copyright or safety concerns.
- Fitness Instruction
Another amazing business to start as a fresh graduate is to become a fitness instructor. You can hold one on one fitness classes that will pay you weekly or monthly. For those who already visit gyms, it will be easy for you to transition into a career.
On a universal note, the fitness industry is worth roughly one hundred billion dollars worldwide. It is a business that can carry you anywhere and you can do it remotely. There are sites you can use in searching for prospective clients to advise on some routines to try out at home.
Note that, fitness instruction is not restricted to physical routines alone. If you have a vast knowledge of nutrition, you can advise people about diets that will be compatible with diverse workout routines. It will be nice if you have a diet plan that you follow so that you can show it to your clients.
- 7. Gadgets and recharge card business
This is a no-brainer if you are very good with numbers. If you have the knowledge of the best places to purchase and the ideal market to sell to, you are more than good to go. However, bigger capital is needed if you will be starting in an offline shop.
Nonetheless, doing this business via social media, online stores such as Woo-commerce or even your blog can save you lots of money, time, and stress.
This means that if you are making use of a social media platform such as Facebook, you will need to have an idea on how to run Facebook ads that are successful. Or, you will need to learn social media marketing in a bid to skyrocket the business from scratch.
We have provided you with some of the businesses you can start as a fresh graduate. As a business-minded person, there are lots of room for you to experience your business ideas, however, it will take a unique person to be a successful entrepreneur.
If you are looking for the ideal business to begin as a fresh graduate, you are reading the ideal article that will help your career.
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