If you go through the most recent list of the top 100 richest people in the world today, you will find that only just three out of the world’s awareness richest people are not business men. What this implies is that if you’re not considering getting into business, you stand a very little 6 percent chance of ever being amongst the world’s top 50 richest persons someday. These days there are just about a handful of jobs that are really capable of catering to the needs of a family. The surest way to get a comfortable life and earn serious income is to get into your own business. It is actually very rare to find a rich person who is fully dependent on a job. There’s a lot to learn from starting your own business. So, if you’re quite ready, I present to you 10 reasons why fresh graduates should go into business in Nigeria.
1. You know your work habits. There are many reasons why people should get into business. One of them is that you stand a chance of controlling your work schedule and habits. No one understands you better than you do, in the same vein, no one will understand how you function and work, better than you do. It is for this reason that it is advisable to run your own business, in this way you can effectively determine and enhance your work output than if you were actually working under someone else. Why work for someone who probably won’t respect that? The fact is, your own work techniques may come across as crazy to people, so it’s better if you’re your own boss, that way you can set the pace for your work schedule and routine that may otherwise seem off to someone else. Only you know how much work you can get done, and only you know how smart you really are. With these facts in your radar, you can then apply that to the business you have been dying to launch instead of a business that doesn’t want to apply itself to you.
2. You’ll understand the value of hard work. Getting a business running has definitely got to be one of the hardest jobs in the world. As a fresh graduate, being an entrepreneur will teach you the value of hardwork, because the truth be told, no business can be successful without sufficient hardwork. Starting a business is in my opinion certainly one of the best ways to initiate you into the world of labour and hardwork. Being an entrepreneur is certainly the most challenging job in the planet, but it is also the most rewarding. All of the hours and the labour you put into your business will pay off eventually with patience. If you go into business now as a fresh graduate you’ll appreciate when you make a profit and hence you will want to continue working even harder to get higher profits. Once in the business world you will definitely never take another hour in the day for granted because you know that the time you put in will be generating much profit for you.
3. Fresh with ideas. At this time of your life, you’re most likely fresh with great business and innovative ideas. After being gainfully exposed to the world of academics, you’ll have an edge over others to be able to proffer solutions to societal problems, this makes you a better entrepreneur, of course this is not to imply that the older you get, the fewer ideas you have. It’s just that now you’re more likely to act on your “crazy ideas” than if you were older and less flexible at heart. As a fresh graduate, you’ve had years to generate tons of great ideas, and have most likely also learned tons of excellent strategies. So, why not start implementing those great ideas rather than waiting years to be promoted at some company that may never come to appreciate and acknowledge your opinions! I mean at this point of your life, you really have nothing to lose by taking a chance at some really lucrative business ideas, so why not?
4. Doing what you love. Here’s an important advice. Take it seriously. Dear fresh graduate, don’t make life and career decisions which do not fulfill your earnest heart desires. Trust me you don’t want to look back twenty years down the road wishing you never took a certain career path. In our world today, especially Nigeria, so many people out of the university or higher institutions succumb to a life of banality because they are told it is what they should be doing. DO NOT BE THAT PERSON! All your life, from some certain point you have always known what you want to do and what you want from your life and career. So why not go ahead and do it? Pursue your dreams without fear and hesitation. Don’t be in a job that sucks. Being an entrepreneur is probably the best way you can express your career desire. Starting your own business is the best and surest way to create your own career.
5. Increase your income. Most people now get into business just to secure some extra income to take care of their many needs. Some people may even do so just to raise some money to handle a particular financial need or problem. Either way, money is at the heart of every business venture. Face it, you need to make money. Income generation is obviously the number one reason why most people get into one form of business or the other. Business men and women are arguably the richest persons in the planet. If you set up a viable business, you are likely going to move from a six digit monthly income to even an eight digit income in less than no time. So if you’re unsatisfied with the Nigerian income system, and feel the likely income you’ll earn every month will be insufficient in meeting your needs, you need to seriously consider starting up a business of your own. And very soon in no time, you will begin to make enough money to gainfully employ others and enrich them too. I mean let’s be honest, this is probably the biggest reason people get into business. Trust me, money doesn’t buy happiness, but it does make finding happiness a lot easier, which is a good thing. You should seek financial independence early in your life. And starting up your own business will do just that for you.
6. Be your own boss. Being known for something can be quite enjoyable and rewarding. People may start referring to you as the car dealer or the retail maven or the software guru. For whatever it is you’re recognized as, it’s really great to build that image and earn that recognition. Yes it’s true that anyone can get a nine – to – five job right out of school, but most of the time it doesn’t happen to be a job most fresh graduates are happy about or want to work at. They end up spending endless hours at a desk, working on endless projects that have no meaning to at all to their lives. This is why you should consider going into business, that way you get a chance to do your own thing and be your own boss while at it. I mean, with the level of creativity you have now as a fresh graduate, you may need to work in your own sphere_ in your own world. When you set up your own business, you have no one to answer to but you. You can make decisions freely and choose what to do at every given point in time of your work. If you’re the very creative type, it will be very hard for you to blend in with the bureaucracies of working for an organisations. As it is, not so many people love to be bossed and controlled around, in so many ways this inhibits their creativity. Some people prefer to do things out of their own discretion and are more productive that way. So if you’re this type of person, starting up your own business is the best decisions you can take in your life and career now as a fresh graduate.
7. Job security. In Nigeria now, with the high rate of job insecurity, getting a job has become the most insecure way to earn an income, especially in the private sector. Running your own business offers you a very stable means for job security. The decision to quit or continue largely lies in your power and no one else’s. The chances of getting to work one day only to receive a sack letter is zero. So if you’re looking for a stable employment as a fresh graduate, I’ll advise you to take strategic steps to establishing yourself a lucrative business venture that will not only give you job security but will also provide others with same.
8. Develop skills. Starting your own business is a great way of putting your creativity to work and thus developing it. Entrepreneurs are always seeking ways to develop their skills. Hence, a very good reason for you to go into business, you will find that you are always seeking for ways to improve your products and / or services. This will push you to continue skill development. Entrepreneurs have no choice but to build on their skills, it’s the only way they can survive in a competitive environment. These skills will prove valuable to the success of your business.
9. Create jobs. Another very important reason to get into business, is that you invariably become an instrument for job employment, your business ideas provided people the opportunity to earn a living, provide for their family, fill needs and also fulfill their own dreams.
10. Fill a need. Every good business identifies a need in the market and seeks to meet it. This is why entrepreneurs are largely successful. Their ability to meet a need is what sets them apart, it’s what sells them. When you decide to go into business, you can do so with the intention of filling a need in the market, to step out of the comfort zone of employment and go through the odds to fill an existing gap in society.
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